So, me trying to stay as real as I can in my medium of art I always shoot film. The problem with film is the decrease in places to develop and print, its almost like digital has a plot against film, almost like oil company's putting the kibosh on LA cable car system way back when. I did find a loop hole to the high cost of Los Angeles photo labs, but I am keeping this to myself and a select few who are really down for the cause.
I have a lot of new work to show y'all, but I am going to span it out and edit some so you always have new work to look at. I am going to try to show it to you in order shot.
This is a body of work I was playing with when I first moved into my Downtown home. I was in love with the natural light and just the soothing composition's I was seeing while cleaning or making coffee or even just being stoned and zoning out. Peep it.